Shadow Defender Manual


The feature performs just like an exclusion file, but the action must be taken manually. There are 2 ways to commit files and folders to original volume permanently:

  • Commit from Shadow Defender Main Interface

Switch to the "Commit Now" page, then

To save file to original volume:

  1. Select Add File.
  2. Use the windows explore window to select the file you wish to save to original volume.
  3. The selected file will be displayed in the Commit List.
  4. Click the button "Apply".

To save folder to original volume:

  1. Select Add Folder.
  2. Use the windows explorer window to select the folder you wish to save to original volume.
  3. The selected folder will be displayed in the Commit List.
  4. Click the button "Apply".

To delete a file or folder from the Commit List

  1. highlight the file or folder and click the Delete button. The file or folder will be removed from the Commit List
  • Commit from Context Menu

The Commit from the context menu can be used at anytime to save a file or folder permanently to the volume. To use the feature right click on the file or folder to save changes to the disk and select Commit by Shadow Defender.


NOTE: If subsequent changes are made to the file, the Commit must be repeated to permanently save those changes